1. Norman Kurland radio interview by Russell Williams, host of “The Challenge” in Hartford, CT (Feb 2011).
Explains what’s behind the government and consumer debt crisis, and how Capital Homesteading could gradually eliminate the government’s debt and make every man, woman and child an owner of income-producing capital assets throughout their lifetime. Discusses the difference between “productive” and “consumer” debt, and the importance of understanding “what is money?”
2. Norman Kurland radio interview by Heather Wagenhals, host of (Feb 19, 2011)
Expanded ownership pioneer Norman Kurland discusses “the Just Third Way,” a post-scarcity development model that transcends both capitalism and socialism by combining free markets with the democratization of economic power and capital ownership. He explains how this system change, along with the economic reforms of Capital Homesteading for every citizen, would benefit entrepreneurs and help grow a thriving economy for all.
3. “What is Money, and Where Does it Come From?” by Michael D. Greaney (mp3, 25:26 min)
Michael Greaney, Director of Research for the Center for Economic and Social Justice, answers a key question to solving the debt crisis, growing a sustainable economy, and empowering economically every child, woman and man through capital ownership. This serves as the basis of the monetary reforms proposed in the Capital Homestead Act, along with reforms of the tax and inheritance system.
4. President Ronald Reagan’s speech (8/3/87) on the report of the Presidential Task Force on Project Economic Justice.
President Ronald Reagan thanks the members of the bipartisan Presidential Task Force on Project Economic Justice for their report, “High Road to Economic Justice,” presented to him on August 3, 1987. Reagan’s presentation before high-level officials from the Caribbean Basin region and Central America points out the importance of widespread worker and citizen ownership of capital for bolstering freedom and countering Marxist insurgencies throughout Central America. He acknowledges PEJ Deputy Chair and CESJ President Norman Kurland.